If you are in need of support this Christmas, we can help you with food and gifts to celebrate the holiday season! Client families may request to be registered by ONE of our Christmas Hope Toy Partners.
We work from one master registration list and registration data is shared by all Christmas Hope Partners: Volunteer Lethbridge, Lethbridge Food Bank, Interfaith Food Bank, Salvation Army, Lethbridge Family Services Angel Tree and My City Care Shop of Wonders. Christmas Hope will connect you with your choice of one food and one gift program, see our program options below.
Registrations for Christmas 2025 will open in the fall
Stay tuned for updates

Check Our Programs
Toys for Tots offers two options: we can do the shopping for you, or you can make an appointment to shop for your child(ren). Help us make your Christmas magical by completing a form to let us know your child’s toy wishes if we are shopping for your gifts. There will be limited spots for personal shopping.
or call 403-929-3884
MyCityCare's Shop of Wonders provides a full family experience where families are able to shop for free at the "Shop of Wonders Toy Shop”. Appointments will be arranged for each family/client by date and time and include shopping of gifts for free, access to stocking stuffers, free gift-wrapping services. MyCityCare’s office services will be limited throughout the Christmas Season.
or in person or over the phone at the MyCityCare office.
For Food Banks only, pre-registration is not required, we ask that anyone who is in need of our services provide us with following items:
Identification of each person in the home (Drivers License, Birth Certificate, AHC Card for all family members)
Correct address/phone number/birthdates of each person in the home
Proof of income (SFI, AISH, CPP, OAS, DIS, EI, Child Tax, Child Support, Alimony, Student Loan, Wages)
Proof of expenses (Daycare, Alimony, Child Support, Rent/Sub, Mortgage/House Tax, Utilities)